Barlings kwa Ltd

A family run business, we provide a Friendly, Helpful and Experienced service. With over 30 years building industry experience. Air Pressure Testing since 2007, if you need to achieve Part L Compliance then we can help. Importantly unlike many others all of our services are carried out In-house. By using us for both the SBEM/BRUKL or Sap Assessment and the Air Pressure Test we save you Time, Costs and also prevents the inevitable issues which occur when multiple companies are involved at completion.

Commercial and Domestic Air Pressure Testing Level 1 & 2

Friendly Helpful Experienced Service, We've been air pressure testing for over 10 years so we know and understand the problems you are likely to incur, and can try to help you avoid them. We offer Drawing Reviews and Pre-Test site visits to help where required. We carry out the Temporary Sealing required for the air test, and if issues are found following the air test we will advise on the most effective solution, which is often remedied while we are On-Site. We welcome requests to price match but still guarantee the same professional service.

SBEM/BRUKL and Energy Performance Certificates

and EPCs on your Commercial Projects. SBEM or Simplified Building Energy Model is used in the majority of cases to demonstrate compliance with Part L2 of Building Regulations. SBEM is used to calculate the monthly energy use and carbon dioxide emissions of a building based on the building geometry, construction, HVAC and lighting.
We also produce Energy Performance Certificates for existing buildings.

Linear Thermal Bridge Modelling (Psi Values)

These calculations measure the heat flow through the points in a building where the insulation is interrupted or weakened. These points are typically where different building elements meet, like at corners, floors, or around windows and doors. These bridging points can significantly impact the overall thermal performance of a
building, and play a significant part of SAP and SBEM assessments. Please contact us for a quotation.

Sap Assessments and Energy Performance Certificates

Part L1A - Sap and EPCs on your Domestic Projects. We understand that your project may change in many ways before you settle on a design that suits both the desired aesthetics, cost implications and buildability, we appreciate this and unlike others will not charge extra for numerous reiterations to specifications in order to comply with Building Regulations. We always offer Discounts on multi unit developments.

Excessive Glazing Calculations (Glazing Area Greater Than 25% Of The Extensions Proposed Floor Area)

Once your new Extension is designed and preferably before being built! You may be required by Building Control to demonstrate that the planned additional glazing does not have a detrimental effect on the Proposed Extensions energy efficiency. A Sap Assessment is performed on your entire dwelling and the results used to show compliance.

PART F. Ventilation Flow Rate Testing

Part F, Extract Fan Flow Rate Measurements. This service is usually carried out at the same time as the Air Pressure Test and involves measuring the extraction rates. We can also include a Background Ventilation Report, this identifies the quantity of background ventilation available in each room and as a total within the dwelling.

Part G. Water Usage Calculations

Part G, Water Usage Calculations. If you are building a new home, you must ensure that it will have a predicted water consumption of less than 125 litres/person/day using the methodology outlined in the 'Water Efficiency Calculator for New Dwellings'

Part O Assessments. Overheating

The new building regulations requires dwellings to have the potential risk of summer time overheating to be assessed. We can carry out either the simplified method or the TM59 more complex assessment. Please get in touch to discuss.

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